
I'm not trying to be real

I'm trying to get as crazy as I can
with one life to live and no time to waste,
I'm ready to do whatever's at hand
to live life today and give fun a taste.

I'm tying to do ridiculous things
that might make no sense but to laugh,
I'm ready to risk and spread my wings
because time runs out and its all we have.

I'm trying to love with all of my might
cause life is too short to feel hate,
I'm ready to see beyond what's in sight
and open my future to fate.

Daylin H.

1 comment:

  1. "I'm trying to love with all of my might
    cause life is too short to feel hate,
    I'm ready to see beyond what's in sight
    and open my future to fate."

    Me encantó, sobre todo ese pedacito =)

